Clipart is one way of designing a greeting card. But there are tools in Pages that let you design your own original holiday greeting. Here, I have put together a list of posts about tools, techniques and tricks that can help you design an original greeting. (The apple image top right is designed in Pages, read how to here)
It seems that many Pages users are simply unaware of the power that Draw Tool gives. It is not just curving lines you can create with it, with drawing tool you can do exactly what it says - draw. And 'write' too. In fact, you can create your own full alphabet in any language - and original cards and drawings. I have published several articles here on various uses of the drawing tool.
Here is a list of posts about curving lines and irregular shapes:
Curving lines and shapes - make them in Pages
Doodling memorable dates in Pages
Creating clipart and original shapes in Pages
Designing D-Day map in Pages
Doodles: Picasso's room
Jigsaw cutouts with Pages
Christmas graphics and clipart: a few easy tricks
Valentine: make your own in Pages
Drawing letters and numbers in Pages: Happy New Year
Yes, we can: drawing in Pages
Keeping your lines straight
How to design folders
Maps in Pages
Please feel free to send me your own ideas, questions and links to what others do with Pages.
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