You can read the detailed how-to post here and read a 2011 article with another heart here
This is a small bit of Valentine's clipart hand-made by me in Pages with just the tools available in the programme.
Total time: 20 minutes. Result: lots of love to - and from - my loved ones.
There are four shapes. Two hearts are drawn with the free drawing tool under Shapes menu (last option in the drop-down menu). The arrow is from the Character palette>Arrows.
There are several hearts in the Character Palette you can use to create your own clip art and there are jem hearts in iChat icons folder - use them as well.
I will post a more detailed description of how to make this graphic design in a few days, but if you stopped by to have a look at this post why not listen to Georgi Sviridov's Romance, possibly the greatest piece of love music ever created.
Please check these previous articles on clip art for and graphic design in Pages:
Drawing letters and images in Pages
Where is clipart for Pages
Clipart for iWork/Pages - where is it?
Cute- Here are a few I have made for Pages (Including about 50 other templates)
You may have to cut and paste link above.
If it doesnt work then go here and click on 'iwork templates'
Have fun with iwork pages templates ;)
ReplyDeleteyours are wonderful templates - simple and creative. An impressive family effort.
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