PDFs & Pro Printing

You probably found this blog while looking for a way of using Pages for professional printing which involves preparing PDF documents with four colour separation - CMYK (CMJN in French).

Pages produce documents ready for  professional printshops at a quality on a par with more expensive and complicated programmes. Converting Pages documents into CMYK ready PDFs is not difficult - when you know how. This blog consists mostly of scribbles to myself where I describe solutions I've found doing just that and wanted to remember them.  I don't pretend to have a high degree of technical knowledge, it's all practice. I enjoy using Pages and have successfully published a full colour magazine for over three years plus various other professionally printed literature.

The accumulated experience of working in Pages at a high-end of publishing is reflected here.

Below is a linked list of articles dealing with producing press quality PDFs for professional printshops and working with printers.

PDF Settings for Professional Printhshops and a Few Tips

From Pages to CMYK PDFs
CMYK in Pages - no problem!
Three Steps from Pages to PDF
Three steps from Pages to PDF - an addition
...if I don't have Distiller
Pages and professional printshops: why PostScript

Why CMYK PDFs are darker than Pages documents?

Networking: Physical vs Virtual
Teamwork: Build Physical Networks

Black vs Licorice: Fuzzy Text in CMYK (the issue of 'true black')

Putting a Book Together in Pages

Importing Word into Pages: use PDF
Quick JPEGs straight from Pages
PitStop and producing press-quality PDFs
Sending out Pages documents
Preparing colour separated PDFs using ColorSync

Measuring iWork/Pages - against what?

Working in team: file sharing across computers and locations
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