Thursday, October 20, 2011

'True Black': How-to

True black
A reader asks:
I have a problem. When I send a project to a professinal printing company they complain that the text in pages isn't 100 percent black. It's in CMYK.

I've written here about 100 percent black text in CMYK files – 'true black'. But it seems that quite a lot of Pages users stumble upon this when they go to printers.

Here is how to do it:
- select all text in your document;
- in Text Inspector click on the colour well (the bar with which you change colour);
- when Colour Viewer opens, click on the Slides option (second from left);
- choose CMYK in the drop-down menu and set CMY to zero, and K (black) to 100 percent.

Repeat the same for text boxes and captions.

 That should give you what they call 'true black'.

The problem occurs when you use a preset black for your document, for example Licorice from the Crayons Box in the Colour Viewer. It looks black, but in fact is a composite of several basic colours - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. Professional printers prefer 'true black', because it gives text the best crispness on paper.

1 comment:

  1. I'm following the instructions above however, when i export as best quality pdf, it's still 4 colour black. I've gone through each text box highlighting the text and going through the process, and saved after each change, then when I click on the first box to double check it's remained at 100% black...the settings have reverted back to their original setting. Any ideas? It's driving me mad


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