Friday, March 01, 2013

The Square Puzzle: 28 - 35.

In previous posts we've counted 28 squares inside the grid shown below. Next, the four larger squares in each corner of the grid. I am showing them here, as in previous posts, by separately selecting the borders of table cells and changing their colour from black to blue for demonstration.

To recap the process described in previous posts:

1. To select a cell border, click once on the table to select it.
2. Click again on a grid line, this will select the whole line, right across the table.
3. And click again - once, not double click - on one of the borders of a cell. This will select only one border in one cell.
4. To select all the cell borders that you want to select, press Shift after you've selected the first one and click on the other one by one.
5. In the Table Inspector, click in the small colour well under Cell Borders, and choose a new colour.

This picture shows a square comprising four smaller squares inside it. I've changed the colour of outer borders of four cells.

Inside the table we have four squares like this one (the other three are not shown here.)

In the previous post we counted twenty seven squares. Now we have thirty one: 27+4=31

Next, let's find and show four more squares inside the table, each consisting of three cells across and three down. Use the technique described above to select the cell borders and change their colour to blue.

Here they are.
One -
Two -
Three -
Four -

Thirty one plus four, thirty five squares. 31 + 4 = 35. In the next post we'll find another four squares hiding within this table.

As I said in previous posts, the ability to select cell borders separately and change their colour, thickness and colour fill (the colour inside the cell) is an exciting design tool. Like here, you can use it in puzzles, including crossword puzzles. You can design coupons where some cell borders are invisible.

Or you can create 'open angles' to use in the layout of your newsletter or brochure. And another use for tables is when you need to group a photo and a piece of text. To read about this last technique, see an earlier article on I Work in Pages: 'An underused layout tool — tables'.

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